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Spotlight Wednesday - Very Bad Girls Club


It’s Spotlight Wednesday! This week I had the opportunity to chat with Egle, the founder of The Very Bad Girls Club.

Egle’s journey is truly fascinating.

She started as a stylist and worked in the fashion industry. There she started brewing the idea of breaking the mould i.e. being the bad girl and in 2022 she finally quit her day job to make her business idea a reality.

The Very Bad Girls Club was born when Egle felt like nothing was working in her personal life, her job, her relationship and her health were all going the wrong way.

She started researching female health and there is very little out there! She then decided to start educating people.

With The Very Bad Girls Club she wanted to create a space where women can heal and grow together. Following leaving her job and starting her business, she has grown the most.

Leaving the safety net of a job made Egle grow and challenge herself. Through her work Egle had the opportunity to hear other women’s stories and connect with lots of people. She wants to create an in-person spaces where women can find a welcoming and open community while also learning about hormonal cycles and their health through Egle’s mentoring and coaching.

Egle aims at reducing the gap in the knowledge between mental health and hormones, coaching, mentoring and organising workshops on those subjects.

She feels the proudest when women come back to her and give her feedback on how something is unlocked in them, and now they understand themselves better, which means that they can take better care of themselves.

Obviously, as a first-time business owner, Egle also has some struggles.

They are mostly tied to finance and how there is no stability, and it is difficult to maximise the business and the workshop both in terms of making clients happy but also for it to be financially sustainable.

It is also difficult as every event is different, so there is the need to coordinate different people and activities – this does make it fascinating and valuable for everybody attending, but it also makes it challenging for Egle to coordinate.

Through Hackney Impact, Egle was able to access cheaper spaces for events. She is also in the process of accessing business mentorship to get more structured support on how to scale up the business.

The only advice she has for people wanting to start their venture is to trust the timing. You’ll know when the time is right and when everything aligns with your values.

What soul-touching advice!

Lastly, Egle wants to raise awareness of the power we have to help the communities we live in. We as consumers have the power to vote with our money and to shape the world we want to live in.

This is all for me today.

I'll see you next week.


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